1 x 150 Warm-up
5 x 100- 1:30
1 x 50- recovery
3 x 200- 3:00
1 x 100- Cool down
Gotta be honest, my fast was fading hard by the second 200 there. And by the end of the 100s set. But I made both of them solidly within the time standard. Do it here a few more times, up the reps and distances, get it solid there, then start dropping the time standard to 1:25. I'm not looking forward to that mostly because :30 is really easy to count by when oxygen starved, :25 is harder.
Run Day
time- 20 minutes
distance- 2.29mi
Happy with the speed, need to get quicker but that'll come. Good stride too.
I've been thinking hard about weight lifting for this training cycle. My original plan was that I would lift on run days, doing all the nifty exercises I found in my books. But I'm tired, man. Swimming in the morning three days a week, plus all the other stuff AND, you know, teaching, I'm burnt by the end of the day. I could find the energy if I needed to, but I worry that it would take away from the disciplines I should be focusing on. After consulting with Sister Dirtbag, Official Trainer of Team Dirtbag, I decided that I would avoid overtraining and burn out and skip lifting for this race cycle. Once I have a few more races under my belt and I'm better adjusted to the higher volume of training I'm doing, then I'll start getting actual gym work in. So I'll be finding time for core work, because that's very important, but I'm not sure how often I'll be picking up something heavy and putting it back down. Strange not to be lifting.
I'm earning that paycheck!!